Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter vision

it was a beautiful day in my neighborhood. lots of birds singing this morning, lots of sun shining, lots of daffodils blooming, lots of people out and about in their Easter best. one of the reasons i love Easter, especially when it's on a good, happy spring day. today was no exception, so i took the girls for a walk, twice! once this morning to start the day off right, and once this late afternoon, to finish the day in peace. i love my neighborhood.

there is a house that we walk by often on our regular route that is not, shall we say...keeping up with the jones'? today, this was my favorite thing i saw all day...

two parents out on the side porch steps. smoking and laughing, showing their missing teeth. front yard littered with... holiday left overs of some sort: a two foot tall plastic snow man, a colorful elf house and various other decorations. two boys, one with long, blond emo-hair and the other with short, red spiky hair... the kids each had their own tennis racket and were in the middle of the empty street, hitting a tennis ball back and forth with small bounces. blond emo-hair kid is singing loudly, to no one: "skip to my loooou, my darrrrrliinnnnnnnnn" every few seconds. as i walk by, the don't bat an eye, and the blond boy hits the ball to his ginger friend and then says, 'sorry! i didn't know my own strength!'

i am so glad to be walking the dogs again. :)

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