Tuesday, April 6, 2010

no creamer for YOU!

just in case you wanted some coffee... or creamer... or sugar...  TOO BAD! the kitchen nazi has installed a lock on the door! 
(insert evil laugh here)

what cruel human would lock up the coffee and creamer so early in the morning without so much of a warning to us worker-bees? i myself just drink decaf, so i don't go crazy without my morning cup, but i tell you what, i do not want to be around when the IT staff discovers there is no coffee or creamer at their fingertips. 

i'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. I feel sorry for that door and all the eye flares and ugly glares it's going to get from said staff.

    Btw, how much is coffee and creamer...we're not hurting THAT bad are we? Oh man. What's next, coin slot on the printer? :)
