Thursday, April 1, 2010

morning find

there is a bookshelf on the first floor of the building, where people bring their old books and 'donate' them for others' reading pleasure. my twinner and i suggested this idea to our facilities guy, and there it was! the books on the shelf are not what we had been hoping- mostly old books from the late 80's, early 90's... cheesy danielle steele novels and weird how to's in economics and business practices. however, because i am somewhat attached to the bookshelf, since i feel like i helped bring it into fruition, (and because it's right next to the water station), i read the new titles every morning. i am always entertained by what people have written, and even more by what people have bought and read. this morning was absolutely not an exception....

find one: Old Tin Sorrows, a Garrett P.I. novel, by Glen Cook (author of Cruel Zing Melodies).

please note that the burley looking giant person is actually Morley, the toughest half she-elf around.

back cover synopsis (my favorite parts are bolded): While the general is dying slowly, his employees are losing their lives at a far speedier rate. And when some of the recently departed try to enlist their comrades in the growing legions of the dead, Garrett knows it's time to call in one of his own troops- in the person of Morley Dotes, the toughest half-elf around. With Morley guarding his back, Garrett has to find a way to get his hands on both the killer and the mansion's two elusive beauties, who are invisible to everyone but Garrett!

find two: A Husband By Any Other Name, by Cheryl St. John, part of the 'Intimate Moments' collection. 

please note the post-it on top that reads: 'Thought you would like this. -John P.'

back cover synopsis: On the morning of his fourteenth wedding anniversary, Dan Beckett's greatest fear came true. His long-lost brother was coming home- home to claim his rightful place as first-born son, eldest twin.... and as Lorrie's husband, though she didn't know it. Because for fourteen years, ever since Tom left home and Lorrie came to tell him she was pregnant, Dan had been impersonating his identical twin. And when the truth comes out, his children, his future, his marriage- all that he holds dear- will be gone. The one saving grace is that Tom has amnesia. But for how long?

Happy Reading, Kaiser Employees! 


  1. you, my lovely friend, were correct. i did indeed find that HILARIOUS. i even laughed out loud. especially at the post it. its like it was put there just for me...or you...

    nice work, jensen :) thanks for the morning giggles!

  2. WOW!! Those are some stellar reads. Glad to hear the bookshelf has continued to...thrive! Thanks for the laugh this morning :)
