Sunday, November 11, 2012

fancy meeting you here

(...and here we are again)

hi there. 

remember me? it's really been a long time. i think the tropical storm-like winds of my life have blown around a bit, and now have decided to settle down to a slight, cool breeze. what makes me think that? well, the biggest indicator is that we are on our maybe third weekend in a row where we have not had plans- and by plans i don't mean like mowing the yard or cleaning the house; i mean plans like weddings, out of state travel, conferences, fund-raisers, baby showers... all the things that make life extremely fun. and extremely busy. 

he and i are settling into our new life as a married couple. tonight we're splitting a bottle of wine while he installs track lighting and i complete a project for a friend's wedding. today we slept in and ate waffles while it snowed/rained outside, and then he dropped me off at the mall to hang out with my girlfriends. we toured dog shelters today to satisfy our dog fix, and we internet-stalked hypoallergenic dogs and dog breeders. really, it's a pretty sweet life. 

and by sweet i mean blessed and sometimes surreal. i often find myself stopping and doing a mental double take of my life- it happens in the little things, like walking home last night from our neighborhood restaurant full of our friends; or when i wake up, every single morning, next to the man i love with my whole, or when i stop and look at this house, or when i realize i said something so amazingly stupid or weird, and he doesn't even blink an eye. these little moments are the sweet spots of my life. 

in the last 8 months i've gone from unpredictable tornado to a calm breeze- and i'm not silly enough to forget that even the tornado was pretty sweet- i mean, it was (relatively) easy to weather the storm of chaos knowing that it was bringing the calm, sweet breezes i am enjoying now. 

BUT, because i know life- or at least mine- i know that more weather is brewing ahead. maybe it'll be another big and crazy storm, maybe it will just be a gusty, windy day, but i know life as i know it isn't going to stay this way forever. 

so i'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride. in my new house, on my new couch, under my new track lighting, next to my new husband. 

sunset in arizona, at one of the many weddings we attended this summer

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