Tuesday, February 15, 2011

v-day amendment

(honest blechness about the valentine's day holiday )

so remember how i said i love valentine's day? well, i still do. however, this valentine's day, i was in a c.r.a.p.p.y. head space, and it made it even more crappy that i was in that head space on one of my favorite days. i was mad i was mad on my favorite holiday, which made me even more mad. a neverending mad cycle, if you will.

the week leading up to v-day was a tough one for me: i spent a night in the vet er with my heart in my throat, i spent five days wondering about a boy, who later 'faded out' on me, which is the equivalent of weenie-dumping, and i got a not so nice email from my baby sis, which just hurt my heart even more. i wanted, oh so badly, to be chipper and happy on vday- i even more my bright pink sweater and a white flower in my hair, and delivered meals on wheels at lunch time with a smile! i tried, oh so hard, to turn the day around at every chance i got. even the enchelleada's greatest ever news couldn't brighten my day. i was a big, fat party pooper. which made me even more sad, to be the vday party pooper. i skipped out on my palentine's day dates (l and co) and babysat my favorite, and streppy-sick, harper boys in hopes of getting strep and staying home to hibernate for three years or so. i didn't get strep (amazingly, their house is crawling with it, i know, cause they all four have had it multiple times) but did get to cuddle up to some adorable lil boys and watch despicable me. that was a good end to a love-failed day.

so next year, i vow to be a teensy tiny bit more in the spirit. i will even try harder to make more valentine's for more people, and focus on giving even more love. and to make up for it, i've made some pretty good efforts at embracing my {missed} holiday: last night at bible study we had little birdy napkins that read 'tweet tweet, you're sweet', that also had a dinosaur and a monkey on them, and this morning i brought a surprise latte for my boss and made her a heart out of valentine colored m & m's on her desk to brighten her day. these thin

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