Sunday, January 23, 2011

sleeping in....

(...a rare feat in my life)

today i slept in. for the first time in three or four weeks, i turned off all alarms, let go of all commitments, and slept until my body (my dogs) naturally woke me up.

it was ten.

it was glorious.

and then i cleaned, from top to bottom and side to side. swept up piles of dog hair and dried up backyard dirt. cleaned dirty dishes and vacuumed the bathroom rug. pruned my vased flowers and stripped my bed to clean my sheets. dusted the furniture and wiped down the counters. scrubbed the tea pot and washed every towel and rug in the house. drank my african coffee and sang to my (what the tv refers to as) "religious" music channel.

again, it was glorious.

then i met with L to walk the dogs at the (chilly) park, and came back home to stuff my face with mexican gumbo from qdoba (my favorite dish there, hands down. it's like a liquid burrito) and sit in my naked, white bedding waiting for hot, freshly dried sheets. i'm debating whether to take a quick nap before a friend picks me up for the nuggets game tonight.

i'll say it again: glorious.

praise the Lord, and thank you for sabbaths. and new years resolutions... 

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