Thursday, January 20, 2011

desk art

( which you have a view of what i see all day on tues and thurs)

the above amazing shadow box was a gift to me from my dear friend, jnoble. although i think it would look great in my house, i really wanted to put it in my 'new' cube, since i now sit at this desk twice a week and have nothing pretty to look at. i've already gotten three compliments on it! thanks, jnoble :)

these are some of my very favorite quotes from the office, and a hilarious dilbert. i could read or not read these for hours, and still find things to laugh about.

1 comment:

  1. What are the office quotes: Is one of them "You'll notice, I didn't have anybody being Arab. I thought that would be too explosive, uh, no pun intended. But I just thought, "too soon" for Arabs, maybe next year. You know, the ball's in their court." -- Diversity Day
