Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a post 26.2 in the making...

sunday i ran 26.2 miles, just for fun. i mean, it was in a race, but it was the race was for fun.

part of the race was really fun (maybe like the first 20 miles). part of it was not (maybe like the surprise bridge, the tricky mile markers, the turn-y end, and the last 6 miles). 26.2 miles is a long distance when you think of it, and takes a while to tick away, step by step. for me, it took me 3 hours and 47 minutes. i had a lot of time to think about the race (and life in general), as i put one foot in front of the other.

people ask me all the time, 'why do you do those races? they are so long! don't you get bored?!' well, yes. i do get bored. that's the challenge! but more often than not, especially during the actual race, it's not why i'm doing it that keeps me thinking and going, it's how i am doing it.

i made a list in my head yesterday of the things that make running a marathon not only possible, not enjoyable. or at least exceptional.

#1. (and most important): Running Supporters.

yesterday this came in the form of Sister, Mom, SDad, and the Bearded Man. i could not have asked for better support throughout the day. family was there at the start line, at the finish line, and at crucial 'gut check' points, cheering me on. bearded man was there at fun points, riding alongside me, snapping pictures and giving me huge smiles. i have never felt more loved and special.

#2. Running Friends.

although i knew my running buddies were not running with me physically, it did a lot for me to know that other people i knew were doing the same thing i was. and, after the race, we especially tested bearded man's patience by talking 'race' nonstop.... from the course to the weather to the pains in our bodies to our stomach issues to the drink stations. sharing the experience is the best part of most everything in life.

#3. Good playlists and headphones that don't annoy you.

my ipod bud earphones work great, and i love making an 'on the go' playlist of my favorite upbeat songs, and putting it on shuffle. each song is a familiar surprise that energizes me to keep it going! now, if only i could a)stop loosing my ipod arm bands, and b) apple would stop changing the ipod shape so one arm band size would fit all, i wouldn't have to carry an ipod for four hours.

#4. Good hair do's.

as a woman, hair is annoying during a run. you don't want it in your face. you don't want it bobbing around, you don't want it falling out and needing adjustment. you don't want it pulled back too tight to give you a headache, nor do you want so many bobbypins in your head that your head looks metallic and shiny. this year at the expo, i found a new, lovely headband that is now my alltime, favorite running gear ever and solves ALL of these problems. in fact, i will be devoting one whole blog to it in the future, i heart it that much.

#5. Slidey glide stuff.

chaffing hurts. it's like a small fire starting under your arms where they rub together. insert this slidey glide stuff, or body lube, called 'body glide' that comes in a deodorant-like stick, and voila! problem solved. i would not be able to run for more than 10 miles without it.

#6. Sauconys

running really doesn't take that much gear: really just a pair of shoes, running clothes and a hair tie, and you're off! many people will pull together a lot more gear, and it's fun to find some little things (aka headbands) that make life easier, but really, all you need are good shoes. i run in sauconys, only and forever- i'm picky only because i have high arches, and this year i had a pretty intense foot surgery, and sauconys are a brand that work, and i love. my feet do not hurt in them, and i never have to break them in: the first run feels like the tenth run- comfy and easy. other people have their own brands, which is great. for me, sauconys are the way.

#7. Cheering crowds at the chute

there is nothing better than running into a crowd of strangers lined up on either side of you, cheering you on. this happens at the start of a race, which is awesome and gets you going. this also happens at the end of the race,when you're struggling to find energy to move forward. both times it's the best feeling in the world, and so inpsiring that it almost makes me cry every time. people i do not know, cheering and clapping and encouraging and loving on people they don't even know. it's a great picture of how human relationships should function in the world, and i love it. every. single. time.

i would venture to say that without those things, running a marathon would be impossible. i would also say that you could add more to the list, for your own personal run, but for me, these are the things i need. everything else is icing on the cake.

1 comment:

  1. #8 Balloon arch - how can you not want to sprint from start to finish, when you know you get to run under an inflated string of balloons?

    CONGRATS on another successful race!! You are a true inspiration.
