Sunday, January 17, 2010

sunday, lazy sunday

oh, how i love a lazy sunday. like a real, true lazy sunday. like today:

sleep in late, awake to NO alarm and the sunshine outside... feeling the warmth of the day creeping in the early morning is a luxury. take a leisurely sponge bath, gingerly balancing on one leg and then hopping (literally) out of the shower to get ready for church. wearing pajamas (yoga pants and columbia shirt) to church, wrapped in the comfort of my large boot and familiarity of my old church. singing songs to the God I love and worship, and taking communion to remember my saving grace...

lunch after church, at the neighborhood chili's bar, eating soup and salad with the 'rents, while they watch football and drink a beer, discussing dinner plans for the evening and it feels like home. running pointless errands with my mom, just the two of us girls, going store to store, reminding me of the joy of being my mom's daughter.

coffee with a friend, still wearing my comfy pajamas at the local starbucks, out-talking our now empty drinks. coming home to eat homemade pizza with my sister, mom and dad, knowing that we have nothing to do for the evening but enjoy each other's company and watch sunday night tv, checking the game score on commercial breaks. dogs running around, playing and sniffing, laying and licking, sighing and sleeping.

it feels like home.

1 comment:

  1. wait, did you checking the score during commercial breaks?
