Saturday, January 16, 2010

day two, post op

oh what a day! to be lazy! to have nothing to do! no timelines, no deadlines, no cleaning or dogs to worry about... i had no idea what to do with myself yesterday, and it was fabulous!

the pain meds were working fine, so my foot didn't hurt at all. i lazily texted, watched a movie, read a little, ate some lunch, scooted down the stairs... it was a nice easy day. i enjoyed having nothing to do, and no way to do it, as i am pretty laid up in the bed. the most exciting part of the day is getting downstairs and eating lunch at a table. small pleasures include soft, clean pillows, straws in my drinks and butter on my toast. i could get used to this.

then 2:00pm hit, and a wave of nausea that i've ever experienced before came with it. i thought the nausea would calm down after a while- i ate a few crackers, drank a little sprite to appease my stomach. an hour later, nausea still there. but the food and drink wasn't- i had began making trips to the bathroom every 20 to 30 minutes, then later, every 10-20 minutes. you can guess that i've not really been eating much, and getting just 20 feet away to the bathroom is an ordeal, so by the fourth or so time, and with no food left in my stomach, my head hanging over the toilet, i was not happy.

fast forward a few hours... nine or so. mom starts to get worried because even clear liquids aren't staying down and i'm hobbling to the bathroom every few minutes, in between semi-conscious dozing in front of the tv, which at this point is more annoying than entertaining. we call the after-hour nurse at kaiser, who takes almost an hour to call us back. finally, they call in an anti-nausea drug to the local walgreens, and mom takes off to get my relief. as i bounce between my reality (being sick) and semi-conscious reality (tv shows like 'kendra' and 'keeping up with the kardashians'), i cant' tell if i'm nauseous from the tv selection, or my pills. i doze off, keeping the tv on just to have noise to distract me from my stomach.

an hour and $70 later, mom/savior returns with anti-nausea pills, G2 and saltines. my HERO!!! i've never felt more sick and grateful in my whole life. she takes the pain pills, cuts a few in half, and tells me the nurse told her i'd have to stick with plain ol' tylenol if the oxycodeine still creates the nausea. she places the few half pills by my bed, i suck down some G2, change into my jammies and off into the land of sleep i go.

great news: a few hours and two anti-nausea pills later, i'm feeling much better and even have a piece of toast in my belly. my foot is throbbing, but the pain is a small price to pay for not having to get up to visit the porcelain throne every five minutes. thank you, modern medicine!

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