Saturday, January 29, 2011

a reality show i would definitely watch...

(...i have a dream. literally)

i had a dream that all my favorite bloggers (below) were in a reality show. and they all had funny voices. i think i'm going to ask oprah if i can host a show of all my favorite bloggers, then secretly turn it into a reality show where they all live in one small house and all write dueling, scathing posts competing to be the funniest, meanest, touching-est posts of the week.

would you watch that?
i would.

favorite blogs HERE:

The Whole Enchelleada
Catching Falling Stars
C Jane Enjoy It
Whimsy Lou
Reagan's Blob Hooray (she specifically was in my dream, and her voice was the funniest)
Inspired Honey Bee
marta writes
Young House Love
Today's Creative Blog
Found (not really a blog, perse, but at least a daily posting of awesomeness)
The Icing on the Cake

The Blog Writers.
Just kidding... these are the therapy barbies i have at work: headless ken, prom barbie with no neck, nekked troll baby, and hairless barbie (purposefully bald to represent friends with cancer for young clients. needless to say, it was an awesome day at work.

1 comment:

  1. ummm i'd watch!! what a hilarious dream and i love motley crew of barbies!

    i've definitely had dreams that involved blog world folks and facebook friends. i'm sure checking both on my crackberry before i fall asleep might have something to do with this :)
