Tuesday, September 14, 2010

men are funny. you know you are, men- don't deny it! and by funny, i mean, what is going on with you?! you are not always haha-funny, sorry.

case in point: at work i sit at the end of a long walkway, against the windows. the hallway is flanked on either side with file cabinets and drawers and storage things. in realitt, i sit at one end of a long storage hall. but i sit at a window. and it's private, and i like it.

anyways, a coworker i call g.love comes in, and starts rifling through the office supply cabinets. i don't turn to look at him or help him, but can hear him rustling things around for a good few minutes. he finaly grunts a little, under his breath.  'g.love,' i finally ask, 'what is it that you are searching for?!' he grumbles, 'highlighters. why are there no highlighters here?'

i pick a highlighter from my pencil cup and throw it to him, 'here, have mine'. and turn back to my work. he thanks me and leaves.

today, a mere two days later and no office supply shipment since, i look in the same office supply cabinet for some rubberbands. in front of where the rubberbands are kept is a large, brand new packet labeled on both sides, in large bubble letters: 'HIGHLIGHTERS'

see, men are funny.


  1. This is definitely a common male trait. I can't tell you how many times e.love tells me he can't find something, I go look, and there it is, right in front of his FACE! I'm not exaggerating when I tell you this happens 4-5 times/week. xoxo!

  2. Typical...(insert ash impersonating the peg shoulder shrug)

